Celebri­ties are known for look­ing per­fect on the red car­pet because there is always an army of peo­ple and prod­ucts that go into their appear­ance. And you know that shim­mer­ing, glow­ing skin celebs have on red car­pets and mod­els have in photo shoots? Well, you can blame Prtty Peaushun‘s line of skin firm­ing, shim­mer­ing lotions. ;)
Devel­oped by Hol­ly­wood makeup artist, Bethany Kar­lyn, Prtty Peaushun (pro­nounced “pretty potion”) is a favorite of celebs like Gwyneth Pal­trow, Cate Blanchett, and Tay­lor Swift, and trainer Tracy Anderson.
Aside from get­ting gor­geous, dewy skin with an Epic Beauty-style diet and lifestyle, you can get an instant, picture-perfect glow from Prtty. I was look­ing into buy­ing a pouch to try and, as fate would have it, they con­tacted me to ask if I’d like a Prtty lotion to review. My answer was “absolutely!” and here I am, review­ing this nat­ural glow-giver. It’s not a self-tanner and it won’t make you look like a trashy sparkly mess, thanks to the super tiny light-reflecting particles.
(Want a Prtty pouch of your own? Click here or scroll down to enter the give­away – there will be 2 winners!)
First, I love the pouch. It is a heck­u­valot big­ger in per­son than the pic­tures lead you to believe. Here’s my hand hold­ing it, for per­spec­tive (and do note: my hands are not tiny – I have those long skinny witchy hands).

Read the rest of the review here:::: http://www.epicbeautyguide.com/2012/04/glowing-skin-with-prtty-peaushun-review-giveaway/