Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tracy Anderson on Open Sky!

As you well know by now, we are HUGE fans of Tracy Anderson.  She is in fact the reason Bethany made Prtty Peaushun for the masses.  We are thrilled to be a part of her Open Sky store, we are in amazing company.  Thanks Tracy!!

Tracy Anderson

Bethany Karlyn is a genius and her work as one of Hollywood's leading makeup artists speaks for itself. I have worked with her for years and when we first worked together, she would bring these tubs of homemade lotion to set. The lotion gave my skin a youthful and radiant glow that I hadn't seen with any other product - I knew immediately that she was really on to something. After years of persuading, she finally decided to make this lotion available to everyone. Prtty Peaushun is a must for any special event, when you want your skin to glow.
Click here to see the rest of Tracy's shop::

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