Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How do you choose your PRTTY?

We often get a lot of questions regarding shade choices. "Will this shade be too light?" - no. "Will it be too dark?" - no. "Will my skin look glittery?" - never.

Truth be told, there's a simple answer. You CAN'T go wrong with any of the PRTTY PEAUSHUN shades. All shades can be worn well on ALL skin tones. Because of the nature of the "glow" all PRTTY PEAUSHUN shades will blend into all skin tones evenly. PRTTY PEAUSUHN is NOT a self tanner - so streaks will never be an issue, just rub all over skin. 

Still not certain on which shade to choose? Take a look at this photo from Eco Diva Beauty which nicely displays each shade on real skin. (Note: when rubbed in, all shades will blend into all skin tones evenly.)

PRTTY PEAUSHUN in Medium is the go to shade for just about everyone! If you're looking to add a little glow and/or sunkissed color, Dark or Deep Dark will do the trick. Lastly, Don't forget about  the plain - despite having no glow (minerals) plan still looks fabulous for a night out or appearance (just ask Jessica ParĂ©!)

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